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Wen Hang Lin has been interested in the effect of overlapping instances for a number of years, and here are some examples of how he has used reflection and image to build moment that make us pause.

We see these images, of course, but it’s also true to say that we are led into them rather than presented with them. Our visual sense is interlocked with our emotional temporal experience, and these shots tell us something, even as we look at them for the first time, about how we absorb poignant and meaningful stimuli. Our perception is always in a state of flux and collision, almost, one could say, of emotional-glitch. We see something, and that vision in turn is entwined with our mood, our sense of place and our circumstance. It has happened to us all: these seconds that layer our reality in narrative rather than the flat plane that we might find ourselves staring at.

So, these shots, and others of his, remind me of life more than if they had been presented in a 2-dimensional form. Perhaps this kaleidoscope of visual ingredients is closer to how we experience sight when it’s fused with thought. Because somehow his photographs make me think I’m seeing something as if living it rather than looking at it.

Wen Hang Lin 4 - Copy (2)wen Hang Lin 5 - Copy (2)Wen Hang Lin 6 - Copy (2)Wen Hang Lin 3 - Copy (2)wen Hang Lin 1

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